Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 4: Change of Plans

Global missions. David and I have such a heart for global missions. As I had previously mentioned in my last blog, we had been seriously discussing joining my parents in Burma to do ministry there. Yes, you read right, I said the words "we had".

Let me back up to give some background first. Since before David and I started dating I wanted to make it clear to him that I had a heart for global missions. Although I feel like everyone should have a heart for global missions (...a soap box I may decide to dive into in a future blog, but not now), some are not for it and I wanted to make sure I told him before we went any further in the "liking" stage. Why waist time dating when your futures don't line up, right? I can honestly say I knew we'd be together forever when he said he had a heart for global missions as well.

My parents have been missionaries in Thailand for 3 years now and recently moved to Burma. When deciding what, where, and when David and I wanted to do global missions, my parents had always been in the back of my mind. After having a few serious talks with them, we thought we could use our gifts well with the ministry they were doing. Since moving to Burma, my parents have been working with a Christian music department that teaches children and adults instruments while sharing the love of Jesus. A music perfect is that for us?! So, that was it. We'd go to Vegas to raise support, sign an 8 month lease (instead of a year...we were just too anxious to go!), and be doing ministry this summer in Burma. It was perfect, we were excited, and couldn't wait.

Here is where the title of this blog comes into play... (cue the sad music)...change of plans. We've never been more confused in our lives. We prayed, prayed, prayed, and...nothing. God wasn't saying, "no" but He also wasn't saying, "go!". I cried many nights in total wonderment. It seemed like the perfect plan but, for some reason, God had something else up his sleeves. David and I still want to do mission work in another country some day and I know we will. It's in our bones.

Change of plans? Ok, God...we're ready!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chapter 3: Kickin' it Vegas Style

We've lived in Vegas for almost 8 months now. The decision to move here was a pretty spontaneous one but has turned out to be exactly what we needed. After David and I got married, we were informed by many respectable people to "fly low" for awhile in regards to our careers. With a Bachelor's degree fresh in our pockets, we were eager to start digging into Ministry but decided to take their opinions. So, we lived in La Habra, I was an admin and David worked part-time at a coffee shop and part time teaching piano. In August of 2010 our lease was coming to an end and the "what now" question started slowly creeping up behind us. With David not liking where he was working, he started the strenuos and oh-so-fun (sarcasm) job hunt. One weekend while visiting my brother in Vegas, David had mentioned looking for a job and Rusty, jokingly, said, "You could always come work for me". We laughed at his joke and then that night it hit us...could that be a possibility? We had decided it had potential because we were strongly thinking about going to do some mission work with my parents in Burma but needed the time to pray, discuss, and eventually fund-raise. We were in this "in-between" phase in life and thought what better way to spend it then going back to my roots. So, a few weeks later we found ourselves in an apartment that is 7 minutes from the Strip. Still to this day I will pull out of my apartment complex, see the Luxor right in front of me and laugh thinking, "Haha, I never thought I would be back here".

It really has been a great move. I have been able to finish my internship and classes for my B.A. (yeah, yeah, I took me 5 years to get through college), we have been able to pay off some debt, and have really enjoyed being so close to family again.