Dear Family and Friends,
I have read the contents of other "bloggers" for years in complete jealousy of the time and commitment they put towards their posts. Excuses like "if only I had the time" or "is my life even interesting enough?" have kept me from creating a blog account. However, I love to write; expressing moments of life with others is good for the soul. So, I'm going to try this. Here goes.
January 28th, 2010 was the best day of my life. I got to marry the handsome, amazingly talented, kind-hearted, and most loving man in the world: David Taylor. We've been married a little over 8 months now and WOW have we learned a lot! I remember about a year ago, when David and I were taking a premarital class, a guest speaker was talking about how marriage shows you ALL sides of your partner: the good, bad, ...and ugly. I thought about it for a few minutes and was convinced that I had already experienced the many sides of my soon-to-be husband. I mean, come on, we had been dating for more than 1 1/2 years before we got engaged and had our share of arguments...what more was there to know? Oh boy, was I wrong.
I learned just how wrong I was 2 days after we had said "I do". We were on our honeymoon in Cancun when I had gone to the sink to brush my teeth and noticed little black specks all over. Now, I wouldn't title myself "OCD" necessarily but, I need my sink to be spotless before I can use it. "Oh well!" I thought, "must be the Cancun weather", took a towel and wiped it off. We left our amazing honeymoon, arrived home, and it wasn't 2 days later that I was haunted by....THE SAME BLACK SPECKS all over our sink. Confused and annoyed, I, yet again, took a rag and cleaned it up. When I noticed the same specks a week later I decided to do what any normal woman would do when trying to solve a cleaning mystery in her home: freak out until I found the answer. David, after hearing me yell, "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!!" rushed from the living room to see what the matter was with his new, lovely, delightful, and somewhat crazy bride. He looked to see what I was talking about and simply stated, "oh sorry, I shaved my face this morning and sometimes the razor doesn't keep all the hair".
Ahhh, and so began our marriage; full of surprises and yet also FULL of love and fun. We continue to learn more and more about each other daily. It's hard to explain how much I love that man; he's my best friend and greatest joy.
So, that's a little glimpse into "The Many Adventures of the Taylor Family"; more to come.
Candace, I'm really excited that you started a blog. I look forward to hearing about what's going on with you two!